Friday, July 13, 2007

July 7, 2007 Run

The attack of the killer Mosquitoes; I am not sure if it was because all the girls smelled like wet goats or if it was just crazy mosquito day; There must of been thousands of mosquitoes biting at M and 18rd, Turns out it was not a good place to put the water/gatorade, Kellie. Kellie did end up with about 100 bites on her legs.

Jason could not run because his toe hurt. Turns out he has a real medical condition. Carla, John, Stephen, Kellie, Slyvia. Michelle, Suzy and Kami ran the Fruita loop, Some running about 11 and others 15. Some other FRunners, Jill, Betsy, Amy, Celeste, Gena and others? (I forgot who) ran and biked at Mary's.


Anonymous said...

We will meet at 5:45 am at Mary's loop bottom parking lot. Just thought you might want to know.

Anonymous said...

Thanks-for the run on July 14th