Monday, December 29, 2008

Dec 24, 2008

2 Degrees

In the end there was John, Carla, Gena, Jill, Suzy, Betsy, Lara, Diane, Michelle and Andrea. Most had their Nija masks

It was 2 degrees at the Kohls house (yes and a nice 68 degress inside), negative 2 or so from the Harmons car. In the end there was ice forming on the runners faces. It seemed to get colder as you ran. The run started inside the Bair's house as nobody wanted to be outside for the photo. Gena, Jill's sister, who is living in California and was running around in almost nothing last week, found the weather to be a bit cold, and the elevation a bit high. We all thought it a bit cold.

Stephen stayed at home and made waffles for us. I know some people ate more than one.... They were tastee, (Isn't that someone from Price.. that Don and Derek were aquainted..... and Diane and Lara)

John, Carla, Gena, Jill, Suzy, Betsy, Lara and Diane started from Betsy's house and happened to met Michelle and Andrea running their own loop. Has it been said, it was cold. Eye lashes and brows had ice forming on them. Both groups ended up at the Bairs... Michelle, Carla and Andrea has to run another mile.... cause they are crazy. The run reminds me of a swim some of us did in a nice cold gravel pit in the spring.... and Lara had her wetsuit on backwards...

Jill and Gena enjoying the cold with Andrea, Lara, Diana and Betsy

Michelle, Carla and Suzy finishing the run. Stephen with his waffles.

Dec 20, 2008

Tarra, Betsy, Michelle, Carla, Suzy, Jill, Celeste, Cory and John.

Water Tower, it was a new run for some and an old run for many. It snowed a few inches of snow during the night. As the run is a trail run, it was a bit slippery and frought with Danger.

There seems to be a few Ultimate Fighting fans among the FRunners. Besty wanted to know who would like to pay for the pay-for-view for the fight on the 27th. Lara and Cory seemed to know all the fighters.

There also seems to be some ties to Price among the group as Cory and Lara talked about the good times hangin out at walmart.....

The run was "Water Tower" It is an area by Wingate school, around the Water Tower, go figure. Tracey was suppose to meet us there, but apparently had better plans with a couple of inches of fresh snow, a DNS (Did not Start). Cory was the first to arrive but was not sure where to meet. He had his wife call Jeena, who was in bed, to get directions. Jeena gets a DNS. Jill lead the way and parts were a bit slippery, but it was a beautiful morning run. It was nice to see Celeste, and Suzy is back as a regular. Michelle and Betsy were on the run as well as Tarra and Carla. It was nice to have Cory there so John had a man friend.

Besty had drinks, thanks to Stephen, for us at then end.

Resting after a slippery run up a hill.-It seems yo can go on Private property if you walk,

A nice view of the runners running up the trail. Jill ran us around up and down and all around. We made it back to the cars...

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Dec 13, 2008

The group: Jill, Kristi, Tarra, Angie, Jeena, Carla, Diane--Don, Angie-what is she doing in the Man picture and John

The run was Wildwood Trail-about 6 miles. It was a nice trail run. The weather is starting to get a bit cold. We met at the trail head on South Broadway and ran to the Wildwood parking lot and back. Not much happened on the run. Kristi tripped and landed between patches of cactus, pretty amazing actually she did not get any. John found a package of unopened gum (he would of picked up open gum as well). Some FRunners ran later or not at all...

We had one drink stop on the trail at the parking lot.

There was one emergency on the run, Diane had to go home, at the turn around spot she got a call that she was needed to fix her daughters hair. It seems Cory could not get it right. Diane took the Kohls car and drove to her car then home.

Don came on the run today, his first run in about 6 months. The ladies appreciated his running and smiling and muscles... Kristi, Tarra, Angie and Diane are becoming regulars....

Dec 7-Las Vegas Run

We have not posted race photos on the blog, as the training is the funnest part, but as some may want to leave comments about the race, the race photos will be posted here as well as on

Congrats to all the Las Vegas Runners... It was the start of Betsy's comeback Tour. Nick, Carla, John, Tarra, Jill, Stephen and Betsy ran.

The race ran down the strip for about 6 miles, the half marathoners went one way and the full the other. We all started together and but.., the start was crazy as they had all the non-elite runners lined up together, so as you were running, you had to dodge the people walking, and usually it was three or four people walking together. It was a bit frustrating the first 6 miles as you needed to weave through people, slow down, speed up. John and Carla managed to run together, the other did at times. Nicholas ran mostly with Stephen and Betsy, which was nice as he had not run a half before and needed someone to pace him. Tarra and Jill weaved the course mostly on their own.

There were many running elvises, and a stop to get married. John and Carla stopped to get married but did not want to wait, so they left, Nicholas and Betsy stopped and ate some wedding cake. It was Tarra'sa first 1/2 and she ran well, and looked very good despite some photography issues. Of couse we all looked good, Jill, Carla, Betsy... John thinks that the couse really was 36 miles as the last 2 miles seemed like 10. It was Nicholas' first 1/2 as well. Jill was ahead of him untl near the finish when he blazed past her... she thought a few things, John had a few similar thoughts when Lauren started to outrun him on the RimRock... If I was under 20....anyway..

As it turned out there was no food at the aid stations, just water and gatorade. Carla left most of her running food at her sisters house, but thought she would be alright. After the 13 mile mark she and John were out of food. John, being the good husband, started picking up stray sports beans (like Jelly beans, but packaged and sold at 10 times the cost to runners, 'cause they are sports beans) on the road that other runners had dropped, he picked up about 8 beans. He did then manage to find a full package of sports beans and a gel packette on the road, Carla not to be outdone did find a full gel packette as well. Carla does not think she ate any of the "road" sports beans, but she did. She should thank John for getting her food. Carla and John did eat the road fuel and finished.

This was the start of the Betsy comback tour, coming back from having a baby. Everone had fun, It was good to run with some first timers-Tarra and Nicholas... and if they learned anything, it is you need to know when they are taking your photo.

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