Monday, December 29, 2008

Dec 24, 2008

2 Degrees

In the end there was John, Carla, Gena, Jill, Suzy, Betsy, Lara, Diane, Michelle and Andrea. Most had their Nija masks

It was 2 degrees at the Kohls house (yes and a nice 68 degress inside), negative 2 or so from the Harmons car. In the end there was ice forming on the runners faces. It seemed to get colder as you ran. The run started inside the Bair's house as nobody wanted to be outside for the photo. Gena, Jill's sister, who is living in California and was running around in almost nothing last week, found the weather to be a bit cold, and the elevation a bit high. We all thought it a bit cold.

Stephen stayed at home and made waffles for us. I know some people ate more than one.... They were tastee, (Isn't that someone from Price.. that Don and Derek were aquainted..... and Diane and Lara)

John, Carla, Gena, Jill, Suzy, Betsy, Lara and Diane started from Betsy's house and happened to met Michelle and Andrea running their own loop. Has it been said, it was cold. Eye lashes and brows had ice forming on them. Both groups ended up at the Bairs... Michelle, Carla and Andrea has to run another mile.... cause they are crazy. The run reminds me of a swim some of us did in a nice cold gravel pit in the spring.... and Lara had her wetsuit on backwards...

Jill and Gena enjoying the cold with Andrea, Lara, Diana and Betsy

Michelle, Carla and Suzy finishing the run. Stephen with his waffles.

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