Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Dec-Jan 19, 2008

There have been plenty of runs the last couple of months. The last documented run was on Jan 19th. We welcome Doug back from his nearly year long absence from running and Jason L back from "Couch" rest. Welcome back. It was cold, around 9 degress when we started.

Doug pointed out on the run that it gets colder when the sun comes up. He could not recall why he knew this but he did. Jason L. and John needed documentaiton. Here it is:

When the sun is very low in the sky with clear skies, the earth is still losing more energy (heat) from the surface that it is receiving from the sun. The low sun angle spreads out the energy over a much larger area and is not sufficient to increase the temperature until the sun gets approximately 10 to 15 degrees above the horizon. Until the sun gets high enough for the energy to exceed what is being lost by long wave radiation from the earths surface to space, the temperature will fall. This allows temperatures to continue to fall for that half hour or so (depends on latitude and time of year as well, shorter in summer and longer in winter) after sunrise. The lows for the day frequently are during that period with clear skies and calm winds.

I guess Doug was right, go figure, he attended one class in College besides Basketball 101.

Frm Jan 19th

Other runs the last few weeks

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