Sunday, September 2, 2007

Sept 1, 2007-Stephen Loops

Stephen organized a nice run. Two nice loops with plenty of Water and Gatorade. Some ran about 11 miles and others 21 miles. John, Carla, Jason L, Kami, Suzy, Michelle and Stephen ran. Other Frunners ran their own courses, rode their bikes, or stayed in bed (Betsy [has legitimate excuse], Doug [likes to sleep])

The run started at Stephens house, except for Michelle who ran over and Suzy who did walk over, a few extra blocks. The course went north on 17 road then across to 16 road, which had a nice hill than back to Stephens house. This was around 11 miles. John and Carla had enough and left. The rest of them ran Megan's loop backwards for another 10 miles.

There were a few dogs on the course that came out to bark at us. A few potty breaks (in the bushes) stretch IT band breaks and talking breaks. It was a nice casual run. The mosquito were out and biting, not as bad as the one run a month or so back. The views were great and hardly any traffic.

Half way picture.

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