FRunners: Suzy, Jeena, Jill, Betsy, Stephen, Kirk, Tarra, Lara, Angie, Diane,Michelle, John, Carla, Tracy and almost Darrin.
Besty and others (Suzy-Stephen) seemed to have ridden in a car the last mile or so..

Kirk bought a 4-wheel drive vehicle last week, looks very nice

Diane loves her head lamp, Tracy found us.
We now have a sponsor for each Saturday run. This run was sponsored by Jenna. We met at the Methodist church on Broadway and ran up to and around the water tower and back. There were nice drinks at the start of the water tower section. (Thanks Jeena) The water towerr course is a bit trickier to run in the light, as it seemed there were more turn-offs, and who knew?, it runs right by the golf course.
Tracy was waiting for us at Water Tower and figured she was late to meet us and started running. Tracy saw us at the end and ran with the group.
Some people needed to cut the run short because of some youth basketball games, they ran as far as they could. Angie and Kirk took a short cut that was straight uphill, I suppose it was quicker but harder. Others with basketball... Brad, did not to show up. Darrin tried to run with us but was a bit late...Seems he could not get out of bed. Stephen was feeling a bit ill, but ran.