Thursday, July 2, 2009

June Sometime, 09-Highline Hustle

Lots of us participated in the Highline Hustle. There was a race within the race and Krehl beat Andrea, because he is a man.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

May 13th

We ran the Grand Valley half in palisade. It was a fun race.

See the web site

and on Facebook

Monday, April 6, 2009

APril 4, 2009

The information for the runs is on and on Facebook. If Facebook does not workout we will come back to the blog.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

March 28, 2009

The group: Paul, Jimmy, Darrin,Dennis, Michelle, Angie, Tarra, Jeena, Heidi, Jill, Diane and Carla
Some nice poses, some not paying attention.

Some new faces ran with the group, Jimmy and Dennis are training for half marathon. The run started at Wells fargo and went up around wingate to Albertsons. Some runners finished there, while those in training ran back to the bank. Jimmy took a wrong turn and ended up at the bank early so ran around for a while. Dennis, did not have much time for drinking and speed through the course. It was a good showing for the men.

Friday, March 27, 2009

March 21, 2009

The Moab half was wonderful. We had many first timers, Everyone finished and felt mostly good. (I'll add more info later)

Monday, March 16, 2009

March 14, 2009

Carla, Diane, Andrea, Kristen, Darrin, Stephen and John

Some FRunners were still on vacation and running we presume. There was a group who ran 8 to 9 miles from the Kohls to Loco and back. It was dark, and it was a race against the sun. Only a couple people made it back before the sun came over the mountain. It is still a bit cold in the morning.

There were drinks at Loco. Andrea and Kristen took the long way, as we did not tell them about the short cut... It was good for them. Diane made it back from Mexico in time to run. She mentioned some problems crossing the border, Nobody is in jail, that is all we got out of it... Darrin, taking a page from Michelle's training maunal had to get 9.0 miles and ran around...

Monday, March 2, 2009

Feb 28, 2009

On the Run-Betsy, Diane, Angie, Lara, Michelle, Jill, Jeena, Carla, Suzy, Doug, Stephen, Darrin and John.

Taking a water break---The Men

The run was sponsored by Angie and or others. The run started at Wells Fargo and went up around wingate to the river trail and back up. Doug, who is coming back from another retirement, ran with us. The run was up to 11 miles. There was gartorade at two places and plenty of nice weather. The hill down monument road is always nice. The hill up redlands parkway always stinks... Angie, the run organizer ditched us at about 6 miles, left the group in confusion, We made it.

The 11 miles run today was the longest ever by Diane and Lara, Congratulations. Don and Cory, however tied with their shortest run today, Zero.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Feb 21,2009

The FRunners John, Kristen, Andrea, Lara, Celeste, Diane, Tarra, Jill, Carla, Michelle, and Kirk

It was a good 10 miles for most. It may of been the longest run for some Diane...

A Fruita run, the Fruit Loop or Megan's Run. There was Gatorade at about 5 miles. The run was sponsored by Michelle. Contrary to popular belief most people like the course. It seems that some people, Jeena and Suzy, rather go skiing than run. We missed you, but you probably did not miss us.. We had a couple WTT (Went to Temple)-Bairs and a few DNS... you know who you are.. Kirk came injured. A few ran about 7 as they had things to go too.

We have a meeting with the shirt people this week. We will have updates next week.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Feb 14, 2009

The FRunners: Jill, Jeena, Tarra, Celeste, Darrin, Michelle, Kristen,Carla,Andrea, Paul, Stephen and John. Paul's first group run Photo.
Celeste's longest run , ever,10 Miles

Eating refreshments and Andrew looking like he's coming back to run with us... if we ran in the afternoon....

Congratulations to Amy on having a baby boy.
We'll see her soon back with us!
Congratulations-Darrin and Darcey (mostly Darcey) are going to have a boy..after a few girls.
lso, a FRunners first-timer, Paul, who the girls appreciated ran with the group. They get tired of the same old boys. Paul is training for the Gateway half-marathon. And Carla found her Garmin she lost six months ago... and yes John had bought her another one, so John now has a garmin, there is something wrong with it though, as it not recording his 6 minute miles correctly...they look line 9, perhaps he just has the watch on upside down.

Harmons sponsored the run, there were mini-muffins at the end, very tastey. The run started at Jill's and went up to Star Canyon to wildwood, then down around to baseline and back. It was a nice mix of trail and road. There was pelnty of gatorade and the weather was nice. A little cold after you stop and drink but nice. Some Frunners took a short cut at the end.. you know who you are Andrea, Kristen and Darrin. And Doug did not make it, a DNF! and Besty will get a BB for Big Baby (The standard Designation for needing to watch your kids)

Some runners wanted to get ten miles exactly so they kept running around... Celeste posted her longest run to date at 10 miles, congratulations.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Feb 7, 2009

On the run:
Betsy, Stephen, John, Carla, Brad, Jeena, Jill, Angie, Diane, Tarr
a, Andrea, Kristen, Suzy, Celeste, Michelle, and Doug.

The Bairs sponsored today's run. Most of us ran two loops, a 5 + mile loop and then another 4 miles. There were refreshments at the Bairs between the loops and after the run... no waffles though. There were many there. Doug came out of retirement to run with us. Darrin made it. Kirk did not. Seem he has some knee issues. Dr. Whitesides has been called. (I think he has seen most of the FRunners-He should sponsor us)

Some ran a bit before the run, Andrea, Krisen and Michelle... The first loop ran from the Bairs up to L road and down 18.5 and back. The second loop went over to 16 road and back. At the start of the second loop, Jill was left in the bathroom, she did catch up to us. Most of us wanted to wait but.... Jeena had a primary party, she seems a bit old to still go to those. There also was an exchange of Spark. (A substance not currently banned by the FRunners governing board, although investigations are continuing)

Doug joined us for the last loop and Andrew was to come but his wife forgot to call him at the end of the first loop.

Also, not directly related to the run, Frunner XXX (Name withheld) stirred up some trouble this week with the Prairie Dog Relocation people.
Angie was sporting a dawg shirt is support of the dawgs.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Jan 31, 2009

FRunners: Suzy, Jeena, Jill, Betsy, Stephen, Kirk, Tarra, Lara, Angie, Diane,Michelle, John, Carla, Tracy and almost Darrin.

Besty and others (Suzy-Stephen) seemed to have ridden in a car the last mile or so..

Kirk bought a 4-wheel drive vehicle last week, looks very nice

Diane loves her head lamp, Tracy found us.

We now have a sponsor for each Saturday run. This run was sponsored by Jenna. We met at the Methodist church on Broadway and ran up to and around the water tower and back. There were nice drinks at the start of the water tower section. (Thanks Jeena) The water towerr course is a bit trickier to run in the light, as it seemed there were more turn-offs, and who knew?, it runs right by the golf course.

Tracy was waiting for us at Water Tower and figured she was late to meet us and started running. Tracy saw us at the end and ran with the group.

Some people needed to cut the run short because of some youth basketball games, they ran as far as they could. Angie and Kirk took a short cut that was straight uphill, I suppose it was quicker but harder. Others with basketball... Brad, did not to show up. Darrin tried to run with us but was a bit late...Seems he could not get out of bed. Stephen was feeling a bit ill, but ran.

Friday, January 30, 2009

January 24, 2009

Tarra, Jill, Lara, Angie, Carla, Brad, John and Kirk (Not pictured Betsy or Michelle or Andrea or Kristin...........)

It was a rainy morning. The run was scheduled in Fruita. However, after a text from Betsy and a call from Michelle, the Fruita run was canceled. The text "Too rainy....not running!"

On the other side of the river, the weather was much better, a slight drizzle. As a bunch of people were meeting at Jills to drive down, we decided to meet there a run a 5-6 mile loop. Carla needed to run Nicholas to the "high school". She was to meet us at Jill's. On the way down to the High School, Nicholas (aka Boy) had a remembrance, he needed to go to Palisade high school.

Carla took the Boy down to Palisade and made it back to the run, when we had about a 1 mile left. John ran with her back to their house and Carla ran the rest of the loop...

The run was nice for the most part it did rain a bit heaver for about 10 minutes in the middle of the run. Tarra, was going to split off and go home but hung in there. Jill was practicing her race day running strategy and ran beat us all to the end.

The Cliffords had on their matching plasitic rain ware. The rest of us just toughed it out.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

January 17, 2009

Just want to give a Shout Out to Diane, for trying to get the 8th ward out early on Sunday, Admirable. We all were hoping....

On the run.. 16 FRunners... Good Group
Betsy, Diane, Suzy, Tarra, Lara, Andrea, Kristin, Jill, Angie, Michelle, Jenna, Stephen, John, Brad, Jenni, and Carla

A nice 6 mile, okay more like 7 plus and 8 for some. Brad for some reason thought it was 6, he received bad information. The run started at the Jr Service league parking lot and ran up to Albertsons. Michelle, Kristin and Andrea ran around Albertsons while we rested. Stephen ran back a ways to give Jenni the keys to the car as she was running an up and back.
After we left Albertsons, we ran the trail up the hill and had a drink. A couple FRunners left us as they had basket ball games to get too. The rest of us ran back to the cars. Brad and Stephen had not ran for a while. Good to see them back with us. Jenni also showed up for the run. She looked good, it is always nice to get out and run with others.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

January 10, 2009

Michelle, John, Kristen, Darrin, Jeena, Heidi, Carla, Diana, Tarra, Suzy, Cory, Jill, Kristi, and Andrea

A nice 6 mile run. The run started at at South Camp and Rim Rock Drive and went to the Kohls House. We met at the Kohls. Heidi brought her kids over to play with Madison. There were three Men, Cory, John and Darrin. The weather was a bit cold and everyone was a bit sung in the Suburban as we all drove out to the starting point together. There was a bit of drink at Riggs hill... Andrea and Kristen did not stop as they needed to get home and ran on in front. The rest of of took a water stop. I am sure they are other FRunners running, I hear Doug has gotten back out....

Cory was running in his Scent blocking pants, that he hunts in. According to Cory (if he was heard correctly), if you ware these pants you do not need to shower or ever wash them, as they soak up your scent. Incredible. We'll see how long Cory can go without showering.

This is the most men we have had in a while, It was good to see Darrin. We has one BBNS (Blame the Baby No Show-Betsy) Darcy, according to Darrin, is pregnant, congratulations.

Tarra, Jill and Jeena gave John a ride back to the Suburban, it was nice so John did not have to run back.

Cory saving Diane's life, as he pushed her off the road, as a car passed by...

Sunday, January 4, 2009

January 3, 2009

Kristen, Celeste, Carla, Suzy, Michelle, Jeena, Kirk, Tarra, Angie, Jill, Betsy, Hiedi and John

The first run of the new year. We had lots of runners. The weather was relatively fine. The course started at the turn off to snoocks bottom going down the road to Horse Thief Canyon. The run was around 6 miles. The road is much more more hilly when you run it, rather than drive it.

Betsy and Hiedi are on the come back tour from injury and Babies. They plan on running the moab half with most of the runners. It will be Kirks first 1/2 as well as Celeste's, not sure if Angies is running it or not.

Jill decided to beat everyone to the cars as she wanted to finish. Kristen, John, Michelle, and Kirk ran a bit further than the rest as the group, they turned around at the porti-potti. Michelle, of course, had to run a few yards extra to get exactly the correct milage.

Jeena has some snazzy shoe things that attached to her shoe to give her traction. Suzy brought her two dogs. Angie is unstable-her words. It was a nice snow run, that seemed harder than it should of been.

Apparently, Kirk had to help Tarra with her pants (Get a room)

Jeena's nifty shoe thing... she has some flexability (Hear tell, a dancer back in the day)

Dec 26, 2008

Carla, Michelle, Kristen, Andrea and John

A few of us got together after Christmas. It had rained a bit and the roads were ice... The run was the John Torture run as he does not like the route through the redlands subdivisions. It turned out to be a torture run for all. It took an hour and 20 minutes to run 5 miles (we are usually at least a couple minutes faster).
Michelle slipped and fell once on the road. We all slid down the road. Half way through the run the wind started and it was miserable, cold, wet and slippery, we cut a mile off the run and made it back to the Kohls slowly. The best thing about the run is that it was over. Michelle had to slowly drive home....