Sunday, June 1, 2008

May 31, 2008

Michelle, John, Carla, Jill, Kellie, Stephanie and Lara

Yes, there is always three photos..

Donuts after the run. Some people had more than one.

We miss the Lynns.... it was a nice run.

We ran Mary's loop backwards minus the road part. Don's wife Lara showed up. She claimed to have run only 3 miles previously, Sounds alot like Jason L-Two mile Lynn- who eventually ran a marathon and a couple half marathons. It was nice to have another new face but some ladies were disappointed that Don was not there, he claims that he needed to be with the kids, one word, call Madison Kohls and she will watch them. Jason B did not show up either, he stayed with the kids... in their cardboard boxes, as they are homeless at the moment. One word, Catholic Outreach 12:00, good food. There were other no shows, Paternity leave is over...

Michelle and Kellie ended up running some cirlces around the parking lot to make sure they got all their miles in.... crazy, who is in charge, the gps watch or you. Jill showed some sprinting abiilities at the 6 mile mark as she sprited for the restrooms, She is fast. She said she now understands why Betsy used her gloves one day.... Stephanie brought her dogs and will be the new lead runner of the group when the barney's leave. That means she is in charge of drinks. Carla ran and had stuff bulging out of her shorts like some kind of beatiful bag lady.

We had a nice goup, only one man enough to run, however. There were donuts after the run.

May 24, 2008

We ran the short Megan/Fruit Loop. Mike (Michelles and Kami's dad) ran with us. It was good to see him. He says he has slowed down but seems plenty fast for the rest of us.

We ran about 6-7 miles. We had Christin, Michelle, Mike, Jason, Jill, Carla, Jeena, John, and Kellie on the run.
The Barneys are leaving this month to go back to school. Thye have sold there house and have found a home to live in Indiana. They are homeless at the moment. Donnation can be sent to FRunners, in care of John.
Christin is feeling much better. It is good to see her out running.
It has been almost two years since we got our shirts. I think we can pull a few sponsers together for some new ones... Besty.