Saturday, February 23, 2008

Feb 23, 2008 Run

We had a nice group today. Amy, Jill, Carla, John, Brad, Michelle, Doug, Stephen, Jason B., Kelly, Kami, Kristin, and Andrea. Some ran less than 10, some ran 10 and some ran more than 10.. around 17 or more. The Fruita Loop was run. The weather was fine, a bit humid and wet. It is getting warmer. Doug was feeling a bit under the weather and Stephen had an appointment to make. I hear Jason L went out and ran a bit later. Kristin has run with us before and she brought a friend Andrea. If you run with us once, you are a FRunner. (Of course there are dues that need to be paid, Cash only, see John at the next run)

At about 5 miles the Chapmans had put out some drinks. It seems the FRunners have some enemies as they found out where the Chapmans had put the drinks and decided to run them over with a large vehicle. They did get a Gatorade or two but there still was sufficient drinks for the FRunners, bring it on... And as a note the "Enemies" also took out a stop sign and street sign in their exuberance to destroy our drinks.

Pictures on the road....

Someone ran over our drinks that the Chapmans put out, and the stop sign and the street signs.

Feb 16, 2008 run

Jill, John and Carla ran Mary's Loop. Others were a bit smarter and ran on the road somewhere. The group could of ran the 1/2 in the same about of time. Jill slipped and soiled her tights. Carla, amazingly enough did not fall. There was bunches of snow on the backside and it was like running in sand, cold sand.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Feb 9th, 2008 Run

We had a bunch of FRunners today. Some went about 9 miles others 10 and some 17. Lauren, Jill, Jeena, Kami, Kellie, Michelle, Carla, John, Doug, Jason B, and Brad ran. It was good to see Brad out with the group. Carla fell agian and ripped her "Bad Luck" tights and leg. It was a bleeder. Picture below.

At about 9 miles all opted out except, Michelle, Kellie, Carla and Jason B-they went 17. As Jill and Jeena wanted to get 10 miles, they were given a ride for 6.5 miles and then finished strong. Brad had to go but Doug stayed and played a little Guitar Hero with John as we waited for the others. Thanks to all those who drove and for the drinks.

And a clarification, Doug mentioned it was him that knew that they thought tomatoes were poisinous. Point for him, SOrry Jason L. Jason L also ran as others probably did as well. Frank and Tracy almost made it....

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Feb 2, 2008

There were a couple of runs today. The Albertsons Long Loop and the Stephens Loop. On the Albertsons Loop we had Carla, John, Jill, Jeena and Lauren. Caral went the farthest, 17 miles, the others went from 5 to about 10 miles. We did cheer Carla on as we drove off in the car.

I am sure the Strephens Loop runners had fun as well (Post your info as a comment).