Saturday, November 1, 2008

Oct 25, 2008

Jill, Michelle, Carla, Betsy, Kendra Jeena and John ran. Stephen ran later as, being the good father, stayed with the baby (Also did not have to get up a 5:00am), to let Betsy run with us.

Always Beautiful..

There were plenty of water stops, including the Albertsons, now Valeros.... Jill is the Greatest (no one else would get on electrical box).

Kendra is training for the Half in ST. George in a couple of weeks. I am not sure who is running the Rim Rock could be five or six people.... Michelle is going to see Kellie that week, otherwise...

Today a nice group ran from 5 to 18 miles. The loop started at the Kohls and went around the river trail up past wingate and back to the Kohls. FRunners joined in at various points based on the miles they needed.
The Barneys posted a comment on the last post
"Hello to the Frunners! Are you trying to make us homesick for a morning run in the Monument? Well you have officially been successful. We would love to be there running with you. Good Luck to all those who are running Rim Rock."

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